Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The nursery

This bedroom which we called the "pink room" for obvious reasons, will eventually be our nursery.  It looks tired and dirty.  New colours are in order, so we decided to remove the wallpaper. 

My sister came over on her holidays to help pull paper off.  Of course there were two layers of paper with one layer being a total mess where someone had filled and painted over it in places.  Many hours of work got the paper off, but the walls are rough which means much filling and sanding. I think this room may have been part of the room next to it at one point which explains why some of the trim doesn't match exactly.

We painted the walls Farrow & Ball's London Stone and the trim New White.  The chandelier was a gift from friends of ours.  The next time I encounter walls like this after removing paper I'm going to try to put a light coat of new plaster on and trowel it smooth.  Old House Journal, Dec '09 has an excellent article on how to do that. 

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